\documentclass[12pt]{article} %% this is a comment \usepackage{epsfig} %% \topmargin-1.0cm %% This section is mandatory \oddsidemargin+0.1cm %% and shoud not be \textheight23cm %% modified. \textwidth16cm %% \setcounter{page}{1} %% \begin{document} \title{\huge{\bf{ THIS IS THE TITLE OF THE REPORT}}} %% Put here the title \author{ First Author$^{\mbox{a}}$, %% Second Author$^{\mbox{a,b}}$, %% Put here the author's list Third Author$^{\mbox{b}}$} %% %\date{ } \maketitle \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c} %% $^{\mbox{a}}$ %% This Institution - Italy\\ %% Put here the Institution's list $^{\mbox{b}}$ %% That Institution - USA\\ %% \end{tabular} %% \end{center} \begin{abstract} Put here the abstract. %% Abstract \end{abstract} %%\newpage %% First page with title,authors,abstract \section{Introduction} %% Introduction Put here the introduction. \section{First section} %% As many sections as you want This\cite{first_ref} is a citation contained in the references. \subsection{First subsection} This is an example on how to include a figure (eps). \begin{figure}[h!] %%% FIGURE 1 %%% \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth,angle=360]{figure1.pdf} \caption{This is the figure caption.} \label{Borex} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsection{Second subsection} This is an example on how to use formulas. %% Formulas This is an unnumbered formula: $$ x + y = 7 $$ This is a numbered formula: \begin{equation} x + y = 8 \end{equation} This is a numbered formula whith a reference: \begin{equation} x + y = 9 \label{myequation} \end{equation} And this is a reference to the formula (\ref{myequation}). \section{Seconda section} This is a second section. \section{Conclusions} Put here your conclusions. \section{List of Publications} Put here the list of the publications during 2016. \begin{enumerate} \item First publication. \item Second publication. %% 2016 Publications \item Third publication. \end{enumerate} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{first_ref} First reference. %% Bibliography \bibitem{second_ref} Second reference. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}