Immigration policies according to Eu and Italian Law
LNGS provides support to non Italian users as far as entry and stay in the Schengen area and in Italy is concerned. Some general notes are here reported.
EU citizens
Summary on the right of citizens of the Member states and their family members to move on and stay in the Members states of EU (from Law Decree 6th February 2007, no. 30)
- stays up to three months
on 'Declaration of presence' for stays up to ninety days (from D.lgs 30/07 implementing Directive 2004/38/EC) Note ref. no. 0002162 - May 18, 201010
- stays above three months
registration by the Registry Office ('Ufficio Anagrafe') of the Comune is required concerned for stays in Italy for more than three months
- collecting Italian tax ID number ('codice fiscale')
Italian tax ID number is issued by the Revenue Agency and this is required for money transaction with Italian national Bodies (like INFN-LNGS)
Procedure to collect Italian Tax ID number ('Codice Fiscale') - Jan. 2012
Non-EU citizens
- registration by LNGS
at your arrival at Gran Sasso Labs, please address as soon as possible to the LNGS Users Office (mettere link) where you will be asked to fill a form (pdf download) specifically intended for non-EU visiting people at LNGS
- visa
Schengen visa allows stays up to 90 days in a six month period (short-term visa)
Italian visa is required for stays above 90 days in a six-month period (long-term visa)
General info on visa
- on 'study visa exemption up to three months for nationals of third countries listed in Annex II of Council Reg. (EC) No 539/2001' Note ref. no. 0003885 - Oct. 27, 2010
- hosting agreements ('Convenzioni di accoglienza') pursuant to Italian Law (ex Art. 27-ter, Immigration Act 286/98), implementing Council Directive 2005/71/EC of 12 October 2005 are intended to get a national long-term visa for scientific research activity
- residence permit (permesso di soggiorno):
those who enter by an Italian visa are required to apply for residence permit within eight working days. Proper kit for application is collected by postal offices. It is renewed at least two months before its expiration. Within three months, registration by the Population Office of the Comune concerned is required. Check details in the general info section below.
general info on electronic residence permit
- Summary on foreigners' short-term stays for visits, business, tourism, study.
(from Law 28th May 2007, no. 68)
- Converting residence permit from 'study' into 'employment'according to Circular Nr. 1280 - March 11, 2009 by the Italian Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Re-entry visa for 'study' purposes according to Circular Nr. 1164 - March 2, 2009 by the Italian Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Application to renew residence permit (hereinafter 'PdS') has to be submitted via post office AT LEAST TWO MONTHS AHEAD current PdS expiration date: renewal of an expired PdS is not allowed. Of course, all requirements by which PdS was initially granted must still exist.
(Iscrizione anagrafica al registro della popolazione residente del Comune di competenza per cittadini extracomunitari che soggiornano oltre i tre mesi) Nota prot. n. 0000228 del 26/01/2011 (Ref. no. 0000228 dated Jan 26, 2011)
- On 'Accordo di integrazione' (Integration Agreement) in compliance with par. 2 of Art. 4-bis of decreto legislativo 286/98 - note to non-EU users at LNGS (in English)
Legal ref. (in Italian):
- Presidential Decree (DPR) No 179 of Sept. 14, 2011
- integration agreement - D.Lgs. 286/98, Art. 4-bis
In compliance with Italian Immigration Laws, researchers who apply for a residence permit are required to sign an Integration Agreement ("Accordo di Integrazione").
The Integration Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is satisfied when a proper level of knowledge in Italian language, culture, civics is achieved.
The goal is to reach 30 credits in a 2-year period that, for any valid reason, could be extended for 1 more year.
If credits go to zero residence permit is cancelled, its renewal rejected and expulsion measures adopted.
When the Agreement is signed 16 credits are given, provided that the session offered by Prefettura/Questura of L'Aquila in Avezzano is attended. In fact taking part in this session the above 16 credits are confirmed. On the contrary those credits are reduced to 1 credit.
Attached is a list of activities that could be implemented to increase the number of credits (Allegato B, in Italian).
One point that might be taken into account is to get the A2 level in Italian language (according to the Common EU Framework of Reference for Languages) that provides 20 credits (spoken only) or 24 credits (spoken and written).
Lessons for A2 level might be attended by Centro Provinciale per l'Istruzione degli Adulti (CPIA) of L'Aquila - S.S. 80, 8/B ( This is free except for a 10,00 Euros insurance fee. As a rule activities start in September and enrolments are submitted in the period from May to October. At some extend though, classes can be entered also during the remaining part of the year.
Those who are interested might contact V. Fantozzi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for any further detail on this subject.
- declaration of presence (dichiarazione di presenza)
Declaration of presence ('dichiarazione di presenza') is required for non-EU nationals who:
- enter Italy/Schengen without a readable entry stamp on passport issued by the Schengen border police;
- are resident in any EU Member States different from Italy and getting to Gran Sasso Labs through the Schengen internal border (and thus without an entry stamp)
Declaration of presence is for stays up to three months in a six-month period and has to be submitted by a Police Station (Questura) within eight working days. Documents required by the Police Station of L'Aquila (via Strinella, 1 - 67100 L'Aquila) are:
• LNGS reference letter;
• passport;
• copy of passport (all pages);
• two passport-size pictures;
• this form (to be filled in advance);
• residence permit issued by an EU Member State different from Italy (if that applies);
• copy of the aforesaid residence permit.
(you will be asked to provide the address of your current accommodation in Italy)
general info on declaration of presence
- When ENTRY STAMP turns to be equivalent to DECLARATION OF PRESENCE Suppl. note ref. no. 0000561 - Feb. 11, 2010
- Why it is important to get entry/exit stamps on your passport when crossing the Schengen external border Note ref. no. 0000402 - Jan. 29, 2010
- collecting Italian tax ID number ('codice fiscale')
Italian tax ID number is issued by the Revenue Agency and this is required for money transaction with Italian national Bodies (like INFN-LNGS)
Procedure to collect Italian Tax ID number ('Codice Fiscale')
Procedure to collect Italian Tax ID number ('Codice Fiscale') Read the note by LNGS Director -LNGS/Ref. No.0000066 on Jan. 17, 2012
# [1] Non-Italian users who stay at LNGS more than 7 days:
'Codice fiscale' is collected getting in person by the local Public Revenue Office - 'Agenzia delle Entrate' - in Via Filomusi Guelfi - Palazzo Uffici Finanziari e del Tesoro (close to the railway station).
Valid passport and LNGS reference letter required.
# [2] Non-Italian users who stay at LNGS up to 7 days:
Non Italian citizens at LNGS might want to delegate LNGS Director to collect their 'Codice fiscale', provided that the following three conditions are simultaneously met:
1. stay at LNGS up to 7 days;
2. fees paid by LNGS (FAI, seminars, INFN exchange programs, etc);
3. delegation to LNGS Director to collect Italian 'Codice fiscale'.
To go for procedure # [2]:
a) fill in the form 'delegationCF.pdf';
b) scan and make one only pdf file out of form a) and of copy of valid passport;
c) email pdf file b) as attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note: once ready, 'codice fiscale' will be emailed back (reply mode) to the sender's email address.