The LNGS VPN service provides secure access to the internal network resources of the Labs for users connecting from other sites.
Authentication on the LNGS VPN service is based on the same credentials (username and password) used to access the Labs' public machines (e.g., linux.lngs.infn.it). Moreover, only authorised users may use the VPN service. To request credentials and/or authorisation, send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

VPN access to the Labs' LAN is possible by means of a VPN client that you have to install and configure on your PC

Connecting through the VPN client provides access to all the Labs' network LAN resources (e.g., machines with private IP addresses, printers, etc.). By means of a VPN connection, it is also possible to use, outside of LNGS, those packages that require a network licence, such as Mathematica, MatLab or Autodesk products.

Instructions to install and configure a VPN client are available at https://wiki.sites.lngs.infn.it/doku.php?id=vpn:startThis page requires providing your VPN credentials as well.