Activities and support provided by Computing and Network Service (CNS)
The service is in charge of the following activities:
- Manangement of the LAN network in the external and underground Laboratories, including the network infrastructure
- Managenent of the wireless network
- Connection to the geografical networks
- Network security
- Electronic mail service and mailing lists
- Development and management of the U-Lite infrastructure providing central computing resources to the scientific community (public login, batch, backup)
- Development and management of the Authentication and Authorization system
- Development and management of cloud and VM hosting services for experiments and groups
- Installation and maintenance of scientific software on the central computers
- Management of the public printers, scanner, and plotter
- Managenet of the web hosting system for the official web sites of services and experiments
- Management of the public videoconference and streming systems
- Development and management of the official timing system
- The Service coordinates the Helpdesk service for PC support (PC configuration, upgrades and antivirus installation)
- The CNS is continuosly in contact with the experiments and organizes periodic meeting with the experiment’s representatives to discuss and decide the evolution of the computing resources and services.
Technical information can be found on the Service site at
The CNS staff can be reached at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Requests for PC installation and configuration can be sent to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Responsabile del servizio)
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