From September 25th to October 6th, 2023 the Gran Sasso National Laboratory will host "Gran Sasso Hands-on", an autumn school offering doctoral students, master's degree students and young post-docs the opportunity of being directly involved in the research project activities of the world-leading underground research facility devoted to astroparticle physics and nuclear astrophysics.
The program will focus on: General Relativity; Cosmic Ray Physics; Dark matter research; neutrino physics; Nuclear astrophysics and space detectors. The students, divided into groups of around 3, will be involved in a 10-day experimental project under the supervision of researchers from the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, the Gran Sasso Science Institute, and the University of L'Aquila, with the goal of designing and performing a scientific experiment. A series of introductory lectures from industry experts will provide the needed background for the proposed activities.
The school is limited to 40 participants and application is open until May 1st. The selected students will benefit from an outstanding scientific context, work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment, and have the opportunity to establish contacts with other students and worldwide scientists.
For more information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33718/
REIS - 18.04.2023