Activities and support provided by Advanced Training Service
Constant study of EU and regional policies and strategies; information on funding opportunities; relations with the production world; relations with the stakeholders.
EU funded contracts management and relevant documentation.
Training programmes for undergraduate, graduate, PhD students, researchers and technicians at LNGS.
Fund raising and management of local, national and international funding.
Technical and administrative management of local, national and international projects.
Collaboration with Italian Regions, Ministry of Economic Develpoment, Ministry of Education University and Research, other research organizations, Confindustria (the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy), employers' organizations, companies.
Advertising/communication/mainstreaming of the various activities.
Reports on funded projects.
Ongoing and final evaluation, impact evaluation of funded projects.
Personnel training programmes: needs analysis, training plan, management and reporting.
Designing of pathways of Higher Education aimed at creating high-profile and high specialization professionals through the use of innovative methods and technologies.
Transnational and interregional actions (aimed at exchanging and sharing experiences with other countries for the implementation of a good practice system).
EU funded training projects
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