I neutrini sono particelle fondamentali per la comprensione della natura. Purtroppo, però, pur essendo prodotti in grandissima quantità in molti processi fisici del nostro universo, sono estremamente sfuggenti perché interagiscono pochissimo con la materia.

The results obtained by the Borexino collaboration and published last November 25th on Nature, have been included in the international magazine Physics World listed among the ten most relevant scientific results of 2020 with the following quote: “to Borexino collaboration for the observation of CNO cycle neutrinos in the Sun”. It is the only results among the Top Ten, concerning astroparticle Physics.

26, 27, 28 novembre: dopo 3 giorni di appuntamenti dedicati a SHARPER – L’Aquila 2020, si conclude con un ottimo bilancio la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori, in un’edizione del tutto insolita, causa emergenza sanitaria.

The results were obtained in Italy, at the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratories, by an international scientific collaboration. The Borexino scientific collaboration, an experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), publishes today, in Nature the announcement of the first ever detection of neutrinos produced in the Sun by the CNO cycle (carbon-nitrogen-oxygen).