Uno studio pubblicato oggi su Nature Astronomy risolve un rompicapo su cui gli astrofisici si arrovellano da anni, i meteoriti contengono granelli di polvere cosmica la cui composizione appariva in contraddizione con alcune importanti previsioni scientifiche.

Next March 15th, 2017 Gran Sasso National Laboratory will host the local selection for the the talent show FAMELAB 2017. Are you among 18 and 41 years old? Are you fond of scientific matters? Are you incline to communication? So, you are the perfect candidate!

LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) is an international experiment based on a small linear accelerator, the only one in the world to be installed in an underground laboratory to shelter it from the shower of particles coming from the cosmos.

November 15th 2016 - Antonio Masiero, deputy head of INFN in Italy and professor of theoretical physics at the University of Padua has been appointed by the APPEC General Assembly as the new Chair of the APPEC organisation commencing in January 2017.