Over the last twenty years the number and quality of public speaking events have increased all over the world:

Next March 16th, 2016 Gran Sasso National Laboratory will host the local selection for the the talent show FAMELAB 2016. Are you among 18 and 41 years old? Are you fund of scientific matters? Are you incline to communication? So, you are the perfect candidate!

Il libro “Il fantasma dell’universo. Che cos'è il neutrino” dell'autrice Lucia Votano (già Direttore dei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) è finalista, ed è stato il più votato dalla Giuria scientifica, al premio Galileo, il più prestigioso nel campo della divulgazione scientifica.

Physicists have started work on a new experiment that aims to measure a very subtle prediction of Einstein's general theory of relativity known as the Lense–Thirring effect. Describing the distortion of space–time by a spinning mass, the effect has previously been measured by NASA's LAGEOS satellites to an accuracy of 10%.