Annual Report:
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Quella che segue è la lista dei Preprint dei Laboratori disponibile a partire dal 1995.
Chi fosse interessato a ricevere copia di una o più pubblicazioni (relativamente al periodo dal 1998 al 2004) può scrivere a Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. indicando n. di riferimento, titolo e anno della pubblicazione.
LNGS/TC-01/18 *October 18*
Proposta di installazione orologio UTC, Laboratori del Gran Sasso - 1987
V. Bisi e O.Saavedra (pdf)
LNGS/TH-01/12 *January 12*
Is it possible to rescue superluminal neutrinos?*
F. Vissani (pdf)
LNGS/TC-01/11 *September 11*
U-LITE Unified LNGS IT Environment: a proposal for scientific computing at LNGS
S. Parlati, P. Spinnato, S. Stalio (pdf)
LNGS/TH-02/10 *November 10*
The diffuse supernova neutrino background: Expectations and
theoretical uncertainties from SN1987A
F. Vissani and G. Pagliaroli (pdf)
LNGS/TH-01/10 *February 10*
Neutrino mass bound in the standard scenario
for supernova electronic antineutrino emission
G. Pagliaroli, F. Rossi-Torres, F. Vissani (pdf)
LNGS/TC-01/09 *September 09*
Indagine sui servizi offerti dai Servizi Calcolo dell’INFN
Sandra Parlati, Piero Spinnato (pdf)
LNGS/TH-01/09 *February 09*
The likelihhod for supernova neutrino analysis
Ianni, Pagliaroli, Strumia, Torres, Villante and Vissani (pdf)
LNGS/TC-01/08 *October 08*
Analisi delle prestazioni del collegamento di rete tra i laboratori esterni e quelli sotterranei dei LNGS
P.Spinnato (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-02/08 *August 08*
A Low background facility inside the LVD detector at Gran Sasso
F. Arneodo, G. Bruno, S. Fattori, W. Fulgione (pdf)
LNGS/TH-01/08 *April 08*
Improved analysis of SN1987A
Pagliaroli, Vissani, Costantini and Ianni (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-01/07 *May 07*
First CNGS events detected by LVD
LVD collaboration (pdf)
LNGS/TC-02/07 *January 07*
Verifica FEM degli sforzi e delle deformazioni del sistema di ancoraggio e livellamento del detector XENON 010
D. Orlandi e E. Tatananni (pdf)
LNGS/TC-01/07 *January 07*
Analisi statica e dinamica agli Elementi Finiti del sistema di supporto BGO dell'esperimento LUNA
D. Orlandi e E. Tatananni (pdf)
LNGS/GEO-01/06 *September 06*
Characteristics of the Gran sasso INFN lab groundwater (inferred from 1996-1998 spot sampling data) to fine-tune the conceptual model of water-rock interaction in carbonate aquifers
R. Adinolfi Falcone et al. (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-04/06 *July 06*
Monte Carlo evaluation of the muon-induced background in the GERDA Double Beta Decay experiment
L. Pandola et al. (pdf)
LNGS/TC-02/06 *June 06*
V-DAS (A Versatile Data Acquisition Software) The interface to the VME bus and the configuration file interpreter
M. Di Paolo Emilio, Stefano Stalio (pdf)
LNGS/TC-01/06 *June 06*
V-DAS (A Versatile Data Acquisition Software) The user interfaces
M. Di Paolo Emilio, Stefano Stalio (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-02/06 *April 06*
Gamma-Ray spectrometry of soil samples from the provincia dell'Aquila (central Italy)
E. Bellotti et al. (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-01/06 *April 06*
Purity measurements in Liquid Xenon. Electron lifetime dependence on circulation time and rate
A. Ferella et al. (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-08/04 *September 04*
Response of low-noise miniaturized proportional counters in the keV region
P.Belli et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-07/04 *September 04*
Formulation of an indium loaded liquid scintillator by means of indium extraction in trimethylbenzene by C3-C5 carboxylic acids and NOPC
C.Cattadori et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-06/04 *September 04*
A novel formulation for an indium loaded organic liquid scintillator based on indium extraction by C6-C8 carboxilic acids
C.Cattadori et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-05/04 *July 04*
Observation of β decay of 115In to the first excited level of 115Sn
C.M.Cattadori et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-04/04 *July 04*
Search for time modulations in the Gallex/GNO solar neutrino data
L.Pandola (ps, pdf)
LNGS/TC-01/04 *June 04*
Geant4 and its validation
L. Pandola (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-03/04 *April 04*
Results from GNO, the gallium experiment on solar neutrino at Gran Sasso
GNO Collaboration (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-02/04 *April 04*
Measurement of the Radon concentration in the water from the Gran Sasso fault
G.Colombo et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/GEO-01/04 *April 04*
Natural radioactivity of some paleosols from the Gran Sasso Range in the Italian Abruzzi - First results
M.Laubenstein, D.Magaldi (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-09/03 *November 2003*
Atmospheric muon flux measurements at the external site of the Gran Sasso Lab
E.Barbuto et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-08/03 *October 2003*
The search for rare processes with DAMA/LXe
R. Bernabei et al. (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-06/03 *April 2003*
Neural network pulse shape analysis for proportional counters events
C.Cattadori, N.Ferrari, L.Pandola (ps, pdf)
LNGS/BIO-01/03 *April 2003*
Influence of a low background radiation environment on biochemical and biological responses in V79 cells.
L.Satta, F.Antonelli, M.Belli, O.Sapora, G.Simone et al (pdf)
LNGS/EXP-05/03 *March 03*
CNGS beam monitor with the LVD detector.
LVD Collaboration (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-04/03 *February 03*
Maximum likelihood analysis of the first KamLAND results
A.Ianni (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-03/03 *February 03*
Non-standard contributions to n-e elastic scattering from solar neutrinos observations and LSND cross section measurement
A.Ianni (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-02/03 *February 03*
Anisotropic scintillators for WIMP direct detection: revisited
R.Bernabei, P.Belli, F.Nozzoli, A.Incicchitti (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-01/03 *February 03*
Maximum-likelihood analysis and goodness-of-fit estimation in low count-rate experiments: 85Kr b activity in the test facility of the Borexino detector and double beta decay of 76Ge in the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment
A. Ianni (ps, pdf)
LNGS/EXP-03/02 *December 02*
Performances of a CeF3 crystal scintillator and its application to the search for rare processes
P.Belli et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-01/20 *December 01*
A new control system for the LNGS atomic clock
S. Parlati (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/19 *November 01*
Search for ββ decay in 136 Xe at Gran Sasso
R.Bernabei et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/18 *September 01*
Search for the solar pp-neutrinos with an upgrade of CTF detector
O.Smirnov, O.Zaimidoroga, A.Derbin (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-01/02 *July 01*
Indirect Bounds on Z->µe and Lepton Flavor Violation at Future Colliders
D.Delepine, F.Vissani (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/17 *July 01*
Leptons with E > 200 MeV trapped in the Earth’s radiation belts
E.Fiandrini et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-01/03 *July 01*
A Statistical Approach to Leptonic Mixings and Neutrino Masses
Francesco Vissani (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/06-07 *June 01*
The EAS-TOP and Macro Collaboration - ICRC 2001:
Cover page (pdf)
Author list (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/06 *June 01*
The lateral distribution of Cherenkov light in 10-100 Tev primary proton showers (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/07 *June 01*
Cosmic Ray composition around the knee from EAS electromagnetic and muon data (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/05 *June 01*
Contribution of the EAS-TOP Collaboration to ICRC 2001:
Cover page (pdf)
Author list (ps, pdf)
Study of the composition around the knee through the electromagnetic and muon detectors data at EAS-TOP (ps, pdf)
The primary proton spectrum in the range 0.5 - 50 TeV from the observations of hadrons at EAS-TOP (ps, pdf)
A search for 20 - TeV γ -rays from the Crab Nebula with 10 years of EAS-TOP data (ps, pdf)
The EAS counting rate during thunderstorms (ps, pdf)
Contributions of the MACRO Collaboration to ICRC 2001:
Cover page (pdf)
Author list (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/08 *Jun 01*
Neutrino Astronomy with MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/09 *Jun 01*
Search for lightly ionizing particles with the MACRO detector (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/10 *Jun 01*
Results on high-energy atmospheric neutrino oscillations with MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/11 *Jun 01*
Measurement of the ratio double/single muon events as a function of rock depth with MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/12 *Jun 01*
Search for massive rare particles with MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/13 *Jun 01*
Use of Coulomb scattering for determining neutrino energies with MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/14 *Jun 01*
Low-energy atmospheric nm flux measurement with MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/15 *Jun 01*
Moon and Sun shadowing effect observed by MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/16 *Jun 01*
Search for solar diurnal and true sidereal modulations in MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/02 *April 01*
The liquid Xenon set-up of the DAMA experiment
R. Bernabei et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-01/01 *February 01*
Dynamical CP violation and FCNC processes
G.C.Branco, D.Delepine, R.Gonzalez Felipe (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-01/01 *January 01*
Investigating the DAMA annual modulation data in a mixed coupling framework
R. Bernabei et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-00/21 *December 00*
PcNets2000: A workshop aimed at discussing applicative, software, hardware aspects of cluster computing. (pdf)
INFN/AE-00/14 *November 00*
Status of Particle Astrophysics
Report of PANAGIC to IUPAP presented to the meeting of the Council and Commission Chairs of IUPAP - Beijing 6 October - Revised November 2000 (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-00/10 *October 00*
On the investigation of possible systematics in WIMP annual modulation search
R.Bernabei et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-00/18 *September 00*
Compensating the influence of the Earth’s Magnetic Field on the scintillator detector resolutions by PMTs orientation
A.Ianni et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-00/17 *September 00*
Resolutions of a large volume liquid scintillator detector
O.Ju.Smirnov (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-00/16 *September 00*
Setting of the predefined multiplier gain of a photomiltiplier
O.Ju.Smirnov (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-00/06 *August 00*
Search for the nucleon and di-nucleon decay into invisible channels
R. Bernabei et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/BE-00/03 *July 00*
High sensitivity 2b decay study of 116Cd and 100Mo with the BOREXINO Counting Test Facility (CAMEO project)
G.Bellini et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-00/03 *February 00*
Hidden Source of High Energy Neutrinos in Collapsing Galactic Nucleus
V.S.Berezinsky, V.I.Dokuchaev (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-00/03 *February 00*
Search for Eg >= 5 ·1013 eV g-ray transients through the BAKSAN and EAS-TOP correlated data
BAKSAN and EAS-TOP Collaborations (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-00/02 *February 00*
Study of UHE Cosmic Neutrinos through Horizontal Extensive Air Showers
EAS-TOP Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-00/01 *February 00*
Search for WIMP annual modulation signature: results from DAMA/NaI-3 and DAMA/NaI-4 and the global combined analysis
DAMA Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-00/02 *January 00*
Superconducting Cosmic Strings as Gamma Ray Burst Engines
V.Berezinsky, B.Hnatyk, A.Vilenkin (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-00/01 *January 00*
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Topological Defects
V.Berezinsky (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/24 *December 99*
Probing The Structure of Space-Time with CosmicRays
Roberto Aloisio, Pasquale Blasi, Piera L.Ghia, Aurelio F.Grillo (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/23 *November 99*
Non-baryonic Dark Matter Searches
Y.Ramachers (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-99/04 *September 99*
Finite density [ might well be easier] at finite temperature.
Maria-Paola Lombardo (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/19 * September 99*
GRB990705: a detectable neutrino source?
The LVD collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/17 * September 99*
ICANOE Proposal (ps.gz, pdf)
INFN/TH-99/03 *September 99*
Interquark potential, susceptibilities and particle density of two color QCD at finite chemical potential and temperature
Maria-Paola Lombardo (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-99/14 *Agosto 99*
A Glass Resistive Plate Chamber for Large Production
C.Gustavino, M.D'Incecco and E.Tatananni (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/16 *August 99*
Study of jet production in p-N interactions at Vs~500 GeV in EAS multicore events
The EAS-TOP Collaboration (ps, pdf)
Contributions of the MACRO Collaboration to the 1999 Summer Conferences:
Cover page (ps, pdf)
Author list (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/08 *June 99*
Search for Magnetic Monopoles with MACRO (ps,pdf)
INFN/AE-99/09 *June 99*
Neutrino Oscillation at High Energy by MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/10 *June 99*
Low Energy Atmospheric Neutrino events in MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/11 *June 99*
Macro as a Telescope for Neutrino Astronomy (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/12 *June 99*
Search for WIMPS Using Upward-Going Muons in MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/13 *June 99*
Search for Steady, Modulated and Variable Cosmic Ray Sources using Underground Muons in MACRO (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/14 *June 99*
Moon and Sun Shadowing Observed by the MACRO Detector (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/15 *June 99*
Transition Radiation Detector in MACRO (ps,pdf)
INFN/TH-99/02 *June 99*
Deconfinement and non-zero baryon density
Maria-Paola Lombardo (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/07 *June 99*
Release of a new version (V.07-1) of the HEMAS-DPM Monte Carlo. Description and User Manual.
G.Battistoni, M.Carboni, C.Forti, J.Ranft (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/06 *May 99*
On the possibility of detecting the ne burst from the collapse of a neutron star into a black hole
W. Fulgione, G. Navarra (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-99/09 *April 99*
Proceedings of the Workshop PC-NETS: Trends in Computer Architectures
INFN/AE-99/04 *January 99*
High statistics measurement of the underground muon pair separation at Gran Sasso
The MACRO Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-99/01 *January 99*
Limits on dark matter WIMPs using upward-going muons in the MACRO detector
The MACRO Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/23 *November 98*
Performances of the ~100 kg NaI(Tl) set-up of the DAMA experiment at Gran Sasso
The DAMA collaboration (very large ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/22 *October 98*
The hadron calorimeter of EAS-TOP: operation, calibration and resolution.
The EAS-TOP Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/21 *October 98*
The EAS Size Spectrum and the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum in the region 1015-1016 eV
The Eastop Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/20 *September 98*
On a further search for a yearly modulation of the rate in particle Dark Matter direct search
P. Belli et al. (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/19 *July 98*
Dal GranSasso al SuperMondo
L.Maiani, A.Zichichi
INFN/TC-98/18 *July 98*
Methods for precise photoelectron counting with photomultipliers
R. Dossi, A. Ianni, G. Ranucci, O.J. Smirnov (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/15 *July 98*
Measurement of the energy spectrum of underground muons at Gran Sasso with a transition radiation detector
The MACRO Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/14 *July 98*
Observation of the Shadowing of Cosmic Rays by the Moon using a Deep Underground Detector
The MACRO Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/13 *July 98*
Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino-induced upgoing muon flux using MACRO
The MACRO Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-98/04 *June 98*
Limiting SUSY-QCD spectrum and its application for decays of superheavy particles
V. Berezinsky and M. Kachelriess (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/12 *June 98*
The 51Cr and 90Sr sources in BOREXINO as tool for neutrino magnetic moment searches
A. Ianni, D. Montanino (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/09 *April 98*
The NOE detector for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment
The NOE Collaboration (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/10 *April 98*
Presupernova g-Burst and Some Consequences of n~ p-Reaction
O. G. Ryazhskaya (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH -98/03 *March 98*
Ultra high energy cosmic rays
V. Berezinsky
INFN/TH-98/02 *March 98*
Neutrino self-energy and pair creation in neutron stars
M. Kachelriess (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-98/01 *March 98*
Photon splitting above the pair creation threshold in very strong magnetic fields
M. Kachelriess and G. Wunner (ps, pdf)
INFN/TC-98/07 *February 98*
The LNGS AFS cell
A. D'Ambrosio, S. Parlati (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/03 *January 98*
Simulation of nuclear effects in quasi elastic and resonant neutrino interactions
G.Battistoni, P.Lipari, J.Ranft, E.Scapparone (ps, pdf)
INFN/AE-98/04 *January 98*
Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECR) Observation capabilities of an Airwatch from space mission
Airwatch Collaboration. (ps, pdf)
INFN/TH-97/10 *October 97*
Barionic and cold dark matter
V. Berezinsky
INFN/AE-97/55 *October 97*
The Observation of up-going charged particles produced by High Energy Muons in underground detectors
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/TH-97/11 *October 97*
Solar Neutrino as highlight of astroparticle physics
INFN/TC-97/35 *October 97*
The Earth's magnetic field compensation in the borexino phototubes facility
G. Bacchiocchi et al.
INFN/TH-97/09 *October 97*
Ultra-high energy LSP
V. Berezinsky and M. Kachelriess
INFN/TH-97/08 *October 97*
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays without gzk cutoff
V. Berezinsky, M. Kachelriess, A. Vilenkin
INFN/AE-97/52 *October 97*
Underground neutron spectrometry with a liquid scintillator detector
F. Arneodo, F. Cavanna et al.
INFN/AE-97/50 *September 97*
Production and transport of hadrons generated in nuclear cascades initiated by muons in the rock (Exclusive Approach)
A. Dementyev, V. Gurentsov, O. Ryazhskaya, N. Sobolevsky
INFN/TH-97/07 *September 97*
Helioseismic contraints to the central solar temperature and neutrino fluxes
B.Ricci, V.Berezinsky, Degl'Innocenti, G.Fiorentini, W.A.Dziembowskiz
INFN/TH-97/06 *September 97*
50 TeV HEGRA sources and infrared radiation
V.Berezinsky, L.Bergstrom, H.R..Rubinstein
INFN/TH-97/05 *September 97*
Gravitational violation of R parity and its cosmological signatures
V.Berezinsky, A.Joshipura, J.W.F.Valle
INFN/TH-97/04 *September 97*
Cosmic necklaces and Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
V.Berezinsky, A.Vilenkin
INFN/TH-97/03 *September 97*
High energy particles from monopoles connected by strings
V.Berezinsky, X.Martin, A.Vilenkin
INFN/AE-97/49 *September 97*
Study of solar neutrino detection in the 600 ton liquid argon ICARUS time projection chamber
R.Dolfini et al.
INFN/AE-97/45 *July 97*
DPMJET version II.3 and II.4
J. Ranft
INFN/AE-97/47 *July 97*
Experimental study of hadronic interaction models using coincident data from EAS-TOP and Macro
EAS-TOP and Macro Collaborations
INFN/AE-97/46 *July 97*
Study of the primary cosmic ray composition in the knee region with EAS-TOP and Macro
EAS-TOP and Macro Collaborations
INFN/AE-97/37 *July 97*
Search for point sources with muons observed by LVD
LVD Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/36 *July 97*
Study of muon energy losses in the LVD experiment
LVD Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/35 *July 97*
Upper limit on the prompt muon fluxs derived from LVD data
LVD Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/34 *July 97*
An energy signature for very deep underground muons observed by the LVD experiment
LVD Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/33 *July 97*
Study of neutrinos from stellar collapses with the LVD experiment in the Gran Sasso Laboratory
LVD Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/43 *July 97*
Search for 30-50 TeV g rays from Markarian 421
EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/42 *July 97*
Study of the knee of the cosmic ray spectrum in the electron component
EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/41 *July 97*
Study of the eas cores in the knee region
EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/40 *July 97*
Primary composition analysis from muons in EAS
EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/39 *July 97*
The hadron spectrum at 840 gcm-2 average atmospheric depth
EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/38 *July 97*
Study of the proton-air inelastic cross section at vs=1.6-2.4 TeV from EAS-TOP
EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/32 *July 97*
Large TeV and GeV muon multiplicities in eas: separation of P and very heavy primaries at 1015 eV
LVD and EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/31 *July 97*
The high energy muon spectrum in extensive air showers: first data from LVD and EAS-TOP at Gran Sasso
LVD and EAS-TOP Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/ *June 97*
Real Time Supernova neutrino burst detection with MACRO
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/28 *June 97*
The search for a sideral anisotropy in the underground muon intensity as seen by MACRO
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/27 *June 97*
A sky survey using muons in the MACRO Detector
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/26 *June 97*
Mesaurament of underground muon energies using a TRD in MACRO
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/25 *June 97*
An improved analisis of the underground muon decoherence observed in MACRO
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/24 *June 97*
Observation of upgoing charged particles in MACRO produced by higt energy interactions of muons
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/23 *June 97*
Indirect search for wimps with the MACRO Detector
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/22 *June 97*
Neutrino astronomy with MACRO Detector
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/21 *June 97*
The measurement of the atmospheric muon neutrino flux using MACRO
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/20 *June 97*
Search for nuclearites with the MACRO Detector at Gran Sasso
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/19 *June 97*
Magnetic Monople Search with the MACRO Detector at Gran Sasso
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/44 *June 97*
Real Time Supernova neutrino burst Detection with MACRO
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/AE-97/16 *May 97*
Magnetic monopole search with the Macro detector at Gran Sasso.
MACRO Collaboration
INFN/TH-97/02 *April 97*
Entropy production in the early universe.
P. Di Bari.
INFN/AE-97/13 *April 97*
Systematic study of the features of streamer discharge by means of pulse shape analysis.
G. Battistoni, A. Candela, I. De Mitri, et all
INFN/AE-97/12 *March 97*
A three-dimensional code for muon propagation through the rock: MUSIC.
P. Antonioli, C Ghetti, et all
INFN/AE-97/11 *March 97*
Role of the elettromagnetic processes in the high-energy muon production.
V. A. Kudryavtsev, O. G. Ryazhskaya
INFN/AE-97/10 *February 97*
Simulation of muon transport at high energy: comparison of few different codes.
Battistoni, Forti, Ferrari, Scapparone
INFN/AE-97/08 *February 97*
Muon pair production by muons and narrow muon bundles underground.
V. A. Kudryavtsev, O. G. Ryazhskaya
INFN/AE-97/05 *January 97*
Seasonal variations in the underground muon intensity as seen in MACRO.
(MACRO Collaboration)
INFN/AE-97/04 *January 97*
Performance of the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso: moon shadow and seasonal variations.
(MACRO Collaboration)
INFN/AE-97/03 *January 97*
Performance of transition radiation detector of the MACRO Experiment.
(MACRO Collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/39 *November 96*
Cosmic ray studies around the "knee" of the primary spectrum from EAS-TOP.
(G. Navarra)
INFN/TH-96/07 *October 96*
Dark matter particles.
(V. Berezinsky)
INFN/AE-96/37 *October 96*
Extensive air shower and hadron interactions.
(G. Battistoni)
INFN/TH-96/06 *October 96*
On neutralino stars as microlensing object.
(V. Berezinsky, A. Bottino, Mignola)
INFN/AE-96/35 *October 96*
Energy loss of massive magnetic monopoles and dyons in main sequence stars.
(S. Ahlen, I. De Mitri, J. Hong, G. Tarle')
INFN/AE-96/34 *October 96*
Superheavy magnetic monopoles trapped into the Sun and the solar system.
(Ahlen, De Mitri,J. Hong, G. Tarle')
INFN/AE-96/33 *October 96*
Study of laser induced ioniziation in proportional and streamer tubes filled with helium based gas mixtures.
(Battistoni, Candela, De Mitri, Denni,ecc)
INFN/TH-96/05 *October 96*
Cosmological density of baryons and high energy radiation from clusters of galaxies.
(V. Berezinsky, P. Blasi, V. Ptuskin)
INFN/TH-96/04 *October 96*
Clusters of galaxies as a storage room for cosmic rays.
(V. Berezinsky, P. Blasi, V. Ptuskin)
INFN/AE-96/30 *October 96*
Multicomponent exensive air shower observations at EAS-TOP.
(The EAS-TOP Collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/29 *September 96*
High energy cosmic ray physics with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso.
Part II. Primary spectra and composition.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/28 *September 96*
High energy cosmic ray physics with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso.
Part I. Analysis method and experimental results.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/27 *September 96*
L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1995.
INFN/AE-96/22 *July 96*
The performance of MACRO liquid scintillator in the search for magnetic monopoles with 103 <b <1
(The MACRO collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/21 *July 96*
A limit to the rate of ultra high energy gamma rays in the primary cosmic radiation
(The EAS -TOP Collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/20 *July 96*
The shapes of the atmospheric cherenkov light images from extensive air showers
(The EAS -TOP Collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/19 *July* 96*
Physics and astrophysics with multiple muons
(G. Battistoni, O. Palamara)
INFN/AE-96/16 *May 96*
Comparison of the electron and muon data in Exstensive Air Showers with the expectations from a cosmic ray composition and hadron interaction model.
(the EAS_TOP collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/15 *May 96*
Search for gamma ray bursts at photon energies E> 10 GeV and E> 80 TeV
(EAS_TOP collaboration)
INFN/AE-96/14 *May 96*
A measurement of the solar and sidereal cosmic ray anisotropy at Eo~1014 eV.
(EAS_TOP collaboration)
INFN/TH-96/13 *May 96*
High energy gamma rays from old accreting neutron stars.
(P. Blasi)
INFN/AE-96/11 *May 96*
NOE: Atmospheric and long baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment.
(NOE Collaboration)
INFN/TH-96/03 *March 96*
Searching for relic neutralinos using Neutrino telescopes.
(V. Berezinsky, A. Bottino,et al)
INFN/AE-96/05 *March 96*
Introduction to high energy cosmic ray physics.
(G.Battistoni, A.Grillo)
INFN/TC-96/03 *March 96*
Performance and Simulation of Glass Spark Counter.
(Bencivenni, De Deo, D'Incecco, Felici, Gustavino)
INFN/TH-96/02 *February 96*
Highlights of Astroparticle Physics.
INFN/TH-96/01 *February 96*
Non-Baryonic dark matter.
(Berezinsky,Bottino, Mignola)
INFN/TH-95/02 *December 95*
Searching for a neutralino magnetic moment with an artificial source and NaI(Tl) scintillators deep underground.
(I.R. Barabanov,P.Belli, R.Bernabei et al)
INFN/TH-95/01 *December 95*
SNI: a new mechanism for gamma ray burst. I. weak magnetic field.
(V. Berezinsky, P. Blasi, B. I. Hnatyk)
LNGS-95/60 *September 95*
Solar Neutrino Problem, 1995.
LNGS-95/59 *September 95*
ICARUS: a first 600-ton module at Gran Sasso Laboratory.
(The ICARUS Collaboration)
LNGS-95/58 *September 95*
Hadrons and other secondaries generated by cosmic ray muons underground.
(Khalchukov, Korolkova, ecc.)
LNGS-95/57 *August 95*
Charge conservation and eletron lifetime: limits from a liquid xenon scintillator.
(DAMA Group)
LNGS-95/56 *August 95*
Last Hope for an astrophysical solution to the solar neutrino problem.
(Berezinsky, Fiorentini, Lissia)
LNGS-95/55 *August 95*
A search for cosmic point sources of muons with the MACRO detector.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
LNGS-95/54 *July 95*
Magnetic monopole searches with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
LNGS-95/53 *July 95*
A possible Gas for solar neutrino spectroscopy.
(Arpesella, Broggini, Cattadori)
LNGS-95/52 *July 95*
An unfolding method for the energy spectrum measured by the TRD.
LNGS-95/51 *July 95*
Neutralino dark matter in supersymmetric models with non-universal scalar mass terms.
(Berezinski, Bottino, Ellis, Fornengo, Mignola, Scopel)
LNGS-95/50 *July 95*
Improved limits on strongli interacting massive particles with NAI(TL) scintillators.
(BPRS Collaboration)
LNGS-95/41.49 *June 95*
Papers presented by the MACRO Collaboration to the XXIV International Cosmic Ray Conference.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
LNGS-95/13 *June 95*
Hadrons and other secondaries generated by cosmic ray muons underground.
(Khalchukova, Korolkova, Kudryavtsev, Saavedra, Zatsepin)
LNGS-95/14 *June 95*
Solar Neutrino Problem, 1995.
LNGS-95/15.24 *June 95*
Papers Presented by the LVD Collaboration to the XXIV International Cosmic Ray Conference.
(The LVD Collaboration)
LNGS-95/24 *December 95*
Searching for a Neutrino Magnetic Moment with an Artificial Source and Nal(TI) Scintillators deep Underground.
(Barabanov, Belli, Barnabei)
LNGS-95/25.36 *December 95*
Papers Presented by the EAS-TOP Collaboration to the XXIV International Cosmic Ray Conference.
(The EAS-TOP Collaboration)
LNGS-95/37 *June 95*
GALLEX Solar Neutrino observations: complete results for GALLEX II.
(GALLEX Collaboration)
LNGS-95/38 *June 95*
Realizzazione di una stazione a raggi X ad alta intensita'.
(D'Incecco, Romualdi, Tatananni)
LNGS-95/39 *June 95*
Modular Glass Spark Counter.
(Bencivenni, De Deo, D'Incecco, Felici ecc.)
LNGS-95/40 *June 95*
Study of Primary Cosmic Ray Composition in the PeV region with EAS-TOP and MACRO.
(EAS-TOP and MACRO collaborations)
LNGS-95/12 *June 95*
Performance of a MACRO Transition Radiation Module.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
LNGS-95/11 *June 95*
Performance of the MACRO Streamer Tube System in the Search for Magnetic Monopoles.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
LNGS-95/09 *May 95*
Clusters of Muons Underground: a New Tool for Cosmic Ray Studies.
(Battistoni, Bloise, Forti, Ranft, Scapparone, Sioli)
LNGS-95/08 *April 95*
Chiral Susceptibilities in Noncompact qed: a new determination of the exponent and the critical couplings.
(Azcoiti, Di Carlo, Galante, Grillo, Laliena, Piedrafita)
LNGS-95/07 *March 95*
LNGS-95/06 *March 95*
Neutrino-induced and Atmospheric Single-Muon Fluxes Measured Over Five Decades of Intensity by LVD at Gran Sasso Laboratory.
(LVD Collaboration)
LNGS-95/05 *February 95*
Curvature Radiation by Ultrarelativistic Protons.
(V.Berenzisky, A.Dolgov, M.Kachelrieb)
LNGS-95/04 *February 95*
High Energy Neutrino Astronomy.
LNGS-95/03 *February 95*
Vertical Muon Intensity Measured with MACRO at Gran Sasso Laboratory.
(The MACRO Collaboration)
LNGS-95/02 *January 95*
A Measurement of the negative Muon Spectrum between 0.3 and 40 GeV/c in the Atmosphere.
LNGS-95/01 *January 95*
A multiton low activity Nal(TI) detector for undergraund physics.
(R. Bernabei et al.)